Resonance Therapy Association (SARTA)
Registered with the DTI as a non profit organisation. No: 2019/602345/08

SARTA's Mission

SARTA's primary purpose is to educate and train its practitioner members in the application of resonance therapy and health analysis instruments. 

Its secondary purpose is to promote and advance resonance therapy and the accompanying healthier lifestyle.

It is expected from SARTA's members to adhere to a strict Ethics Code


As a Resonance Therapy Practitioner, I am governed by the
appropriate statutory legislation and regulations; In addition to this,
and in the conduct of my business, I commit to the following
1. I always maintain the highest standard of professional conduct
towards my clients and to my fellow Resonance Therapy Practitioners.
2. I am fair and truthful with my clients and will uphold professional
3. I observe, inform and practice within the scope of my accredited
4. I do not medically diagnose, prescribe or treat unless licenced to do
5. I recognise and respect the validity of other methods of treatment
and the ethical priority of referring appropriately;
6. I continuously seek to improve my knowledge and skills, in support
of my client's wellbeing and my own professional competence;
7. I only use resonance scanning for the purpose of identifying
imbalances and appropriate balancing corrections;
8. I undertake to confirm this process with my client, thus ensuring full
client participation and choice throughout the consultation;
9. I recognise that digital health analysis instruments used by the
Resonance Therapy Practitioner, such as the BodySonic and Nutriscan, are
tools to give guidance regarding health conditions
10. I uphold, at all times, the integrity of my fellow Resonance
Therapy Practitioners